Residential Bug Sweeps
Are you concerned that your home is bugged? Eavesdropping devices (commonly known as “bugs“) are more capable, less expensive and easier to buy than ever before. Even an amateur can quickly invade the privacy of your home – listening to private conversations, stealing important passwords and tracking your every move.
While bugs have become simple to install, they are still difficult to detect, requiring a combination of trained professionals and advanced equipment to locate and remove.

Take Steps to Ensure Your Privacy with a Home Bug Sweep
Listening Devices
Hidden audio and video devices can be impossible to find without professional equipment and expertise.
Computer, Cell Phones & Tablets
Computers offer intruders built-in cameras and microphones plus keystroke logging and data theft vulnerabilities.
Smart Home Features
Digital assistants, doorbell cameras, even security systems can be compromised for covert surveillance.
Vehicles & GPS Trackers
Newer vehicles may be susceptible to Bluetooth and GPS hacks. A compromised vehicle can be used to eavesdrop and monitor your location.
Private Transportation
Aircraft and yachts, whether owned, leased or time-shared, are popular platforms for surveillance, as they are often excluded from sweeps.
Vacation Properties
Vacation properties are frequently vacant and maintained by numerous vendors, making them an easy target for espionage.
How Bug Sweeps Work
Your Suspicions
HPI Assessment & Plan
Advanced Detection
Peace of Mind
Do outsiders know more than they should about your plans or activities? Are phones or electronics behaving oddly? Espionage is likely if you are:
- Involved in a divorce or custody dispute
- Engaged in litigation or a potential lawsuit
- A high-profile or high-net-worth individual
- Suspected of infidelity
Hawk PI’s Bug Sweep Team applies decades of experience to assess the situation and develop a comprehensive counter surveillance plan.
- Our team includes former FBI, Secret Service and Homeland Security.
- Decades of experience in technical and physical security
- Advanced procedural training
Hawk PI’s investment in the newest equipment provides world class technology on par with elite federal law enforcement.
- State-of-the-art technical security equipment
- Forensic analysis capabilities
- Proven track record finding bugs others have missed
With eavesdropping vulnerabilities eliminated, stress is removed, privacy restored, and potential crises avoided for you and your family.
- Conversations and documents remain private
- Damaging crises avoided
- Restores peace of mind