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Stalkers – Current Trends of Cyberstalking

Stalking is the obsessive-compulsive criminal behavior of aggressively physically pursuing a specific individual through a course of conduct that would cause a reasonable person to feel fear or distress. This conduct has become even more of a booming phenomenon with the advent of electronic technologies. These new technologies are not just a helpful tool to assist the abuser in physically locating and monitoring a victim, but they also exist as a method of harassment themselves giving the stalker remote access to harass and intimidate through electronic means while being able to conceal their identity from anywhere in the world. This tech assisted form of stalking called “cyberstalking” is just as invasive, threatening, and fear-inducing as in-person stalking. Nearly one half of all stalking cases involve both physical and technology assisted methods.

Some recent trends in stalking have included the use of concealed cameras and microphones hidden inside the victim’s residence and GPS devices hidden on their vehicles. Additionally, the installation of spyware or stalkerware on computing devices such as tablets, mobile phones and laptops is becoming more common.

Spyware is an application or device that enables another person (such as an abuser) to secretly monitor and record activity from another person’s computer or phone. Spyware enables remote monitoring to facilitate surveillance, harassment, abuse, intimidation, and/or violence, without the user’s consent. The software may be “hidden” on the device and does not provide explicit and persistent notification that the software is installed. The icon for an application typically observed on a mobile device may not be present for this type of app making it virtually impossible for the victim to determine that such an app exists on a device. Spyware can be installed on a computer, tablet or smartphone. It is usually difficult to detect and remove.

Here are concerning current events related to technological trends in stalking:

Depending on where you live and under certain circumstances, some stalking claims may be difficult to resolve with local law enforcement agencies. Many police departments may be overwhelmed and slow to respond or they may not have the technical resources required to examine a residence for hidden cameras, a vehicle for tracking devices or the ability to examine a mobile device for spyware. The victim is often left to their own devices to manage the experience.

HPI has decades of experience investigating stalking cases. Our team and associates include highly trained and certified technical investigators capable of forensically examining computers, cell phones and tablets for spyware and data retrieval as well as the ability to examine residences, offices and vehicles for hidden electronic devices such as concealed cameras, microphones and tracking devices.

If you or someone close to you has concerns related to stalking or cyberstalking, please reach out to see how HPI can assist you.

Additional resources:

  • Victim Connect: 1-855-4VICTIM (1-855-484-2846)
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline: 1−800−799−7233 or TTY 1−800−787−3224 En Español
  • The National Sexual Assault Hotline: 1-800-656-HOPE (4673)
  • National Human Trafficking Resource Center at 1-888-373-7888, or by text line
  • Stalking Prevention, Awareness, & Resource Center (
  • Safety Net a project of The National Network to End Domestic Violence (


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